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How to Open Bosch Cordless Vacuum Cleaner PowerBrush BCS111GB motor broken jammed

There are no obvious ways to open this PowerBrush and fix it.

The problems can be brush jammed by dirt, 18 volt electrical connection has broken, belt broken or motor not working.

I have posted pictures here which will help and will update with useful text when I get the time:

The first picture shows where the clips are on the grey top cover near the front of the brush. You can prise it off gently using your finger or a piece of plastic.

This picture show the two clips at the back of the brush, again gently prise the cover off above these.

Once the grey cover is off you can see 9 star headed screws which need to be undone. This picture shows the small black cover which also needs to be gently released to reveal the last two star screws:
