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Windows 7 Computer lost Trust Relationship with Active directory Server

Solution for AliStage - Colin Wright

Hi Colin,

it seems netdom needs to be run on the windows 7 computer, not on the server, this should reconnect to the domain

1. Logon to the Windows 7 computer as Administrator if you know the password, use username \administrator (if you don't know the password unplugged the network cable and log on locally)

2. Download Remote Server Admin Tools (includes netdom) for windows 7 CLICK HERE
(please note you may need to use a memory stick to download it on another computer, if you do not have Internet Access)

3. Double click to install the update

4. Click Start --> type cmd --> right click on cmd.exe --> Run as Administrator

5. cd \windows\system32

6. netdom.exe resetpwd /s: server /ud:user /pd:*
where :-
server = a domain controller in the joined domain
user = DOMAIN\User format with rights to change the computer password
* = new password

6. reboot the machine (plug in the network cable if you unplugged it)

Let me know how this goes, should reconnect

thanks Peter


netdom resetpwd /s:ALISCAFF2003 /ud:HEADOFFICE\cad2w7 /pd: newpasswordgoeshere